Vidyome Player is a complete video player of the HTML5 Vidyome API. The specified properties, methods, and events are available.
More than one video player can be used on the page.
var vmeObject = document.querySelectorAll('div[id^="vme_player_"][class$="vme_vidyome"]');
var id = vmeObject[0].getAttribute('data-pid');
Property | Description | GET | SET |
autoplay | Set or return whether the audio/video should start playing as soon as it is loaded | X | X |
buffered | Return a TimeRanges object representing the buffered parts of the audio/video | X | |
controls | Set or return whether the audio/video should display controls (like play/pause etc.) | X | X |
currentSrc | Return the URL of the current audio/video | X | |
currentTime | Set or return the current playback position in the audio/video (in seconds) | X | X |
duration | Return the length of the current audio/video (in seconds); to determine it without playing media, preload="auto" must be set | X | |
ended | Return whether the playback of the audio/video has ended or not | X | |
error | Return a MediaError object representing the error state of the audio/video | X | |
loop | Set or return whether the audio/video should start over again when finished | X | X |
muted | Set or returns whether the audio/video is muted or not | X | X |
paused | Return whether the audio/video is paused or not | X | |
readyState | Return the current ready state of the audio/video | X | |
seeking | Return whether the user is currently seeking in the audio/video | X | |
src | Set or return the current source of the audio/video element | X | X |
volume | Set or return the volume of the audio/video | X | X |
Method | Description |
load() | Reload the audio/video element; also, it is used to update the audio/video element after changing the source or other settings |
play() | Start playing the audio/video |
pause() | Halt (pauses) the currently playing audio or video |
stop() | Only present to support Flash RTMP streaming in Vidyome Player. The equivalent for other scenarios is pause |
remove() | Destroy the video/audio player instance |
setPoster (url) | Add a image tag with the poster's url inside the player's layer; you can pass an empty string to clear the poster |
setCurrentTime (time) | Set a new current time for the player; time is either an integer or float number, and if negative, it will start from zero. |
getCurrentTime () | Retrieve the current time of the media being played |
setVolume (volume) | Set a volume level for the player; volume is a number between 0 and 1 |
getVolume () | Retrieve the current volume level of the media being played |
setSrc (src) | Set a new URL/path for the player; each renderer has a different mechanism to set it |
getSrc () | Retrieve the media URL/path currently being played; each renderer has a different mechanism to return it |
Event | Action(s) executed when... |
loadedmetadata | Meta data (like dimensions and duration) are loaded |
progress | Browser is in the process of getting the media data |
timeupdate | The playing position has changed (like when the user fast forwards to a different point in the media) |
seeking | The seeking attribute is set to true indicating that seeking has started |
seeked | The seeking attribute is set to false indicating that seeking has ended |
canplay | A file is ready to start playing (when it has buffered enough to begin) |
play | The media is ready to start playing |
playing | The media actually has started playing |
pause | The media is paused either by the user or programmatically |
ended | The media has reach the end (a useful event for messages like "thanks for listening") |
volumechange | Volume is changed (including setting the volume to "mute") |
captionschange | The media has detected that captions have changed |